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Magento: How can I integrate PagueloFacil?
Magento: How can I integrate PagueloFacil?
Ahiezer Domínguez avatar
Written by Ahiezer Domínguez
Updated over a week ago

Enable your store to accept payments via PagueloFacil and customize payment options, allowing customers to pay without leaving or abandoning the site.


  • CCLW: API connection keys.

  • SSL Certificate: TLS 1.3 or higher.

Plugin installation

Online (Composer)

  • Enter the Root directory of your Magento installation.

  • Enter the command: composer paguelofacil/magento2


  • Download the pfgateway plugin for Magento

  • Go to the Magento installation directory

  • Copy and extract the pfgateway inside the app/code directory

Plugin activation in Magento

  • To activate the plugin, run the commands for installation:

./bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Paguelofacil_Gateway
./bin/magento setup:upgrade
./bin/magento setup:di:compile

Once the installation is complete, you will need to configure your plugin.


  • Go to the Shops > Sales > Payment Methods menu then locate the PagueloFacil plugin and configure with the following parameters for PagueloFacil (Onsite) or PagueloFacil Link Payment.

Configuration Parameters



PagueloFacil Available

If plugin is active.


Trading key indicated by PagueloFacil (Productive).

CCLW for Sandbox

Trading key indicated by PagueloFacil (Demo account).

Api token for Live

Authorization Code of PagueloFacil Productive.

Api token for Sandbox

PagueloFacil Demo Authorization Code.


If the payments will be processed from the test platform or will be productive payments.

Type of Cards

Enable to process only with indicated credit cards.




November 30, 2021

Improvements in Tx verification process for offsite payments

August 30, 2021

Compatibility with PagoCash return, Crypto.

August 02, 2021

Optimization and performance improvements.

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