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Actors in a chargeback process
Actors in a chargeback process
Ahiezer Domínguez avatar
Written by Ahiezer Domínguez
Updated over 12 months ago

Here is a list of all players and their roles within a chargeback process:

  • Buyer: this is the person who first submits a chargeback request to their issuing bank; starts the whole process with a transaction dispute.

  • Merchant: seller of the goods and/or services and who must fight or accept the chargeback.

  • Issuer: the bank to which the buyer's credit card is connected and used to purchase the item or service.

  • Acquirer: a financial institution that obtains the rights to the merchant's account and is tasked with receiving payment on behalf of the merchant. In this case, PagueloFacil.

  • Credit Card Company (The Brands): the organization that oversees the process. In some cases their procedures differ from each other (Visa, Mastercard, etc.).

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